Saturday, January 18, 2014

Braiding for Freedom - January 18th

Braids for the eighteenth!
 (Crown braid with bun)
 (Three French braids put into one)
CHENNAI, INDIA – In the last weeks of 2013, rescue finally came to families who had been forced to live and work as slaves for up to three years chopping trees. Children as young as eight years old were forced to work alongside their parents, and one child said they were not only barred them from going to school, but beaten by the owner if they even asked.
The families said that the man who owned the wood-cutting operation—and controlled their entire lives—leased plots of land that they would clear, chopping and collecting wood that would be sold to local factories and small businesses as firewood for boilers. They moved from site to site frequently. Sometimes there was a shed where they could store their belongings, but they often slept outside in the same forests where they worked, with no defense from the elements, snakes or other wild animals. It took about a week of exhausting physical labor to fill one truck with the minimum load—about ten tons of wood.

IJM was able to bring rescue to the families who were working at this abusive wood-cutting operation, you can read the whole story of the rescue here.

January is Human Trafficking awareness month.  Join us this month and raise awareness and funds to help fight modern-day slavery.  
Don't miss a single braid!

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