Friday, April 11, 2014

Do Something

Do Something.
This song is amazing.  Does anyone else agree?  It's letting the world know that it's time to do something.  Time to do something about poverty, about slavery, it's time to stand up for the weak. 
"If not us than who? If not me then you --right now, it's time for us to do something. It's not enough to do nothing."

Monday, April 7, 2014

Stand for Freedom

April 9th, 2014:

One day for their everyday.

Students around the world are Standing for Freedom.  Standing twenty-four hours to make modern-day slavery known. 

"Routine & relentless violence is an everyday reality for those trapped in slavery.
The unchecked plague of slavery, rape, trafficking, illegal detention, land theft, police abuse and other brutality against the poor is a global crisis that undermines the well-intentioned fight for their freedom. Unless we STAND against it, nothing will change.
Last year, thousands of passionate college students raised awareness for the millions trapped in slavery.
On April 9, 2014, stand for 24 hours with us to forever change your community's awareness of the everyday violence of those trapped in slavery." {source}

Go to to find out more.